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URL Configuration#

The URL configuration phase in Peakhour.IO processes rules based on the received request headers. When a rule's condition evaluates to true, the system executes the associated actions and stops further processing.


The filter matches requests with a URI path that starts with "/api/v1/":

starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/api/v1/")

The configuration enables caching for API requests:

  cdn_enabled: "true"
  cdn_query_mode: "strip"
  implicit_cache_ttl: "3600"

This configuration strips query parameters and sets a cache time-to-live of 1 hour.

Available Actions#

  • vconf.set: Sets configuration parameters for use in the request processing pipeline.


The URL phase provides access to the following fields:

  • Request fields: Request information such as Host header and Referer header.
  • GeoIP fields: Client location information including AS number and country code.
  • User agent fields: Client user agent information, including device type and bot status.

Use Cases#

  1. Apply different caching rules for specific API versions.
  2. Implement geolocation-based content delivery.
  3. Customise bot handling based on user agent information.