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WAF Phase#

The Web Application Firewall (WAF) phase analyses requests for potential security threats.

Available Actions#

  • waf.block: Blocks the request if it matches WAF rules.
  • waf.log: Logs the request details without blocking.


The WAF phase provides access to the following fields:


The filter matches requests with a URI path that starts with "/admin/":

starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/admin/")

The configuration blocks requests to the admin area that trigger WAF rules:

  reason: "Unauthorised access attempt to admin area"

For more information on the waf.block action, refer to the Modsecurity section in the vconf documentation.

Use Cases#

  1. Block SQL injection attempts
  2. Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
  3. Protect against remote file inclusion (RFI) vulnerabilities
  4. Log suspicious requests for further analysis