
Peakhour offers advanced content transformation capabilities at the Edge, enabling you to enhance your website's performance and user experience. These transformations include:

  1. Edge Side Includes (ESI): Dynamically include content based on user agents, geolocation, or other criteria without round trips to the origin server.

  2. Image Optimisation: Resize, compress, and convert images to optimised formats like WebP to reduce file sizes and improve load times.

  3. Lazy Loading: Load images only when needed to enhance page speed and performance.

  4. HTML Rewrites: Modify HTML content at the Edge for various optimisations.

  5. Script Insertion: Add scripts for analytics, monitoring, or other functionality.

  6. Mixed Content Replacement: Automatically replace HTTP links with HTTPS for improved security.

  7. Domain Rewriting: Modify domain names within HTML content for content delivery optimisation.

  8. Beacon Insertion: Add real user monitoring (RUM) instrumentation for performance tracking.

  9. Custom Transformations: Implement custom Lua scripts for specialised content modifications.

These features provide developers and website owners with powerful tools to optimise content delivery, improve performance, and enhance user experience directly at the Edge.