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Peakhour provides a comprehensive security dashboard that enables website administrators to monitor and protect their website against a range of security threats. The dashboard includes various features such as access lists, IP reputation lists, events, WAF, virtual patching, and OWASP.

Access Lists#

Access lists provide control over incoming traffic to your website. Peakhour provides several types of access lists including IP block and allow lists, netmask block and allow lists, ASN allow and block lists, and country code allow and block lists. These lists allow administrators to specify IP addresses, network masks, autonomous systems, or countries that should be either blocked or allowed access to the website.

IP Reputation Lists#

IP reputation lists are essential in protecting websites from malicious activity and security threats. Peakhour provides access to several IP reputation blocklists that help identify and block IP addresses associated with malware infections, active attackers, bots, spammers, anonymous proxies, and more. By using IP reputation lists, administrators can reduce the risk of unauthorized access, block malicious traffic, and prevent IP addresses from being used for malicious purposes.


The events section of the dashboard provides real-time alerts on various security-related events. This includes security incidents, website attacks, and other relevant information that can help administrators detect and respond to security threats in a timely manner.


The Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a critical security feature that helps protect websites from attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. Peakhour's WAF is designed to provide maximum protection against common web application attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Virtual Patching#

Virtual patching is an important security technique that allows administrators to mitigate vulnerabilities in web applications without requiring any code changes. Peakhour's virtual patching feature provides immediate protection against known vulnerabilities and can be customized to address specific vulnerabilities.


The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit organization that provides resources and tools to help organizations develop secure web applications. Peakhour's security dashboard includes resources and information related to OWASP, including the OWASP Top 10 list of common web application vulnerabilities.

By using the Peakhour Security Dashboard, website administrators can implement a comprehensive security strategy to protect their website against a range of security threats. The various features provided by the dashboard work together to provide maximum protection against known and emerging security threats.