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ModSecurity’s End-of-Life: Implications for Peakhour and Customers

web application firewalls. Status: Published

ModSecurity EOL Impact: Navigating the Future for Peakhour and Its Users

The anticipated end-of-life (EOL) of ModSecurity on 1 July 2024 has sparked discussions within the cybersecurity community. This article sheds light on the potential implications for Peakhour and its expansive user base.

A web application firewall (WAF) serves as a vigilant security shield, systematically filtering web traffic to counteract malicious requests. Peakhour has seamlessly integrated a WAF into its Application Delivery Platform to reinforce security.

The bedrock of a WAF lies in two main components:

  • WAF Engine: Charged with the comprehensive inspection and assessment of web traffic.
  • WAF Rules: Guidelines that direct the engine's traffic scrutiny process.

Peakhour has trusted ModSecurity as its WAF engine, paired with the adaptable and adept OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) for rule guidance.

For two decades, ModSecurity has been a cornerstone in the realm of web security. However, its acquisition by Trustwave led to a sunset announcement in 2021, with the EOL set for July 2024.

Deciphering the EOL for ModSecurity

With the EOL, Trustwave will cease its commercial support and updates for ModSecurity. Yet, the importance of ModSecurity hasn't waned. It has consistently been in a 'maintenance mode', with Trustwave channeling its efforts towards rectifying bugs and rolling out security patches.

Despite this change, ModSecurity continues to enjoy robust community support. Every month sees a surge of tutorials and discussions centered around ModSecurity and CRS. Moreover, entities like Atomicorp have pledged to extend their support to ModSecurity beyond its EOL, ensuring its sustained presence in the market.

Other WAF engines are emerging as potential contenders. The Coraza WAF engine, crafted in Go, is steadily carving its niche. Additionally, the public Azure repository boasts their ModSecurity fork, while the Edg.IO repository highlights Waflz, marking its significance in the WAF ecosystem.

Recent players, such as OpenAppSec by Checkpoint, are also entering the scene. Positioned as an open-source ML-based WAF, OpenAppSec has publicly advised businesses to commence their migration strategies and views itself as a viable migration path.

Peakhour's Strategy Amidst the EOL

Peakhour remains proactive, keenly gauging the unfolding scenario and exploring alternate WAF solutions. Key insights include:

  • Immediate Impact: Trivial. ModSecurity maintains its operational efficiency, backed by community advocacy.
  • Mid-Term Adaptations: Peakhour is vetting WAF engines like Coraza, Waflz and Hybrid, ML based approaches.
  • Forward-Looking Vision: Peakhour's commitment to providing a fortified WAF solution to its users remains unwavering. This could be through continued reliance on a community-endorsed ModSecurity, embracing emerging engines like Coraza or Waflz, or a Hybrid approach of an engine and Machine Learning.

Concluding Remarks

While the commercial dynamics around ModSecurity are shifting, its relevance in the cybersecurity space remains intact. With unwavering community support and the emergence of new players like OpenAppSec, the future looks promising. For Peakhour and its users, this period signifies an opportunity to adapt and embrace the innovations the WAF sector offers, ensuring continued robust security measures.

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