Peakhour offers you a richer and more comprehensive feature set, with no additional/hidden fees or complex pricing. You will get better results at a lower cost with our service.

Many customers have migrated from our competitors to us for exactly this reason.

Peakhour Cloudflare Fastly
Global anycast DNS
Australian data centres Business plan and above if viewing site over Telstra/Optus
Tiered caching Tier 1 caching with add on Argo Smart Routing
Origin Shielding
Origin connection pooling

Load balancing/Multi Origin
Enable load balancing Starts at $5 a month for 2 origins Price on application
Round robin balancing Starts at $5 a month for 2 origins Price on application
Sticky balancing Starts at $5 a month for 2 origins Price on application
Geographic balancing $10 a month Price on application
Scriptable Starts at $5 a month for 2 origins Price on application
Global CDN
Automatic static content caching
Serve stale
Instant cache purge
Custom cache tag Enterprise plan only
Custom cache keys Enterprise plan only
Purge all
Purge regex
Bypass cache on cookie Business plan or higher
Edge Server Includes (ESI) Enterprise plan only
Asynchronous javascript loading
Automatic image compression Pro plan and above Price on application
Image Structural Similarity (SSIM) compression
AVIF Support Only available via image API
Automatic image resizing
Automatic format conversion Pro Plan and above supports WebP for supporting browsers Price on application, requires url changes
Automatic WebP for supported browsers Pro plan and above Price on application
Image manipulation via API Starts on business plan Price on application
HTML minification
CSS minification
JS minification
Critical CSS insertion
DNS preconnect insertion
Free Lets Encrypt certificate or free bring your own.
  • $5 USD a month cloudflare issued
  • Bring your own on $200 USD plan and above
  • $0 for first five domains
  • $20 per additional domain
HTTPS rewrites
Via Header

Web application firewall (WAF)
Inline WAF
OWASP top 10 Pro Plan and above Price on Application
Virtual patching Pro Plan and above, Cloudflare rules Price on Application
Known attacker blocklists
Bot blocklist
Customer IP blocklist Limited by plan
Bot management Price on Application
Rate limiting $0.5 per 10k good requests

Get world-class security, performance and availability with Peakhour

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