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Malicious bots are designed to perform harmful activities, often causing significant damage to websites, systems, and users. Bad bot traffic is also on the rise as bots become more sophisticated and accessible. Here are some common types of malicious bot attacks:


Spam Bots post unsolicited messages, comments, or advertisements on forums, social media, and websites. They can:

  • Flood forums and comment sections with irrelevant content, degrading user experience.
  • Spread phishing links or malware, potentially leading to security breaches.
  • Overload email servers with spam, reducing the efficiency of email communication.


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Bots coordinate attacks by sending overwhelming amounts of traffic to a target website or server, causing it to crash or become unavailable. They can:

  • Disrupt online services, leading to downtime and financial losses.
  • Damage a company's reputation due to service unavailability.
  • Increase operational costs as businesses need to mitigate and recover from attacks.

Credential Stuffing

Credential Stuffing Bots use stolen credentials to gain unauthorized access to user accounts. They can:

  • Lead to data breaches, exposing sensitive user information.
  • Cause financial losses if attackers access and misuse financial accounts.
  • Damage user trust and harm a company's reputation.

Ad Fraud

Ad Fraud Bots generate fake clicks or impressions on online advertisements. They can: - Drain advertisers' budgets by charging them for non-human interactions. - Skew analytics, leading to incorrect marketing decisions. - Reduce the overall effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.

Spread Malware

Malware Bots spread malicious software that can:

  • Steal sensitive data, such as personal and financial information.
  • Encrypt files and demand ransom for their release (ransomware).
  • Create botnets that can be used for further malicious activities.

Vulnerability Scanner

Vulnerability Scanners scan websites and servers for security weaknesses. They can:

  • Identify and exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access.
  • Lead to data breaches and unauthorized data manipulation.
  • Cause reputational damage and financial loss due to security incidents.

Card Cracking

Card Cracking Bots use automated techniques to test combinations of payment card details. They can:

  • Result in fraudulent transactions, causing financial losses to victims.
  • Increase chargebacks and penalties for merchants.
  • Erode trust in online payment systems.

Inventory Hoarding

Inventory Hoarding Bots purchase large quantities of in-demand items to resell them at higher prices. They can:

  • Create artificial shortages, leading to inflated prices.
  • Disrupt supply chains and affect genuine customers.
  • Damage a company's reputation by preventing legitimate sales.


Scraping Bots for Competitive Intelligence gather competitive data illicitly. They can:

  • Steal proprietary information, giving competitors an unfair advantage.
  • Violate terms of service and legal agreements.
  • Damage a company's market position and profitability.
  • Drain server resources and slow down your website for legitimate users.

Scalping/Sneaker Bots

Scalper/Sneaker Bots automate the process of purchasing limited-edition items, such as event tickets, gaming consoles, or high-demand sneakers, to resell them at higher prices. They can:

  • Purchase large quantities of in-demand products within seconds, making them unavailable to genuine customers.
  • Create artificial scarcity, leading to inflated resale prices.
  • Damage a brand's reputation by preventing fair access to products.
  • Increase operational costs as businesses need to implement countermeasures.

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