IP Intelligence

Enhance your network security with advanced threat detection and analytics

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Key Features of IP Intelligence

Fortify your network with our advanced threat intelligence solution

Proactive Defence

Anticipate and block threats before they breach your network, reducing attack surface and risk.

Customised Control

Configure rules to match your security needs, ensuring precise control over data access and traffic flow.

Actionable Insights

Analyse IP interaction data to make informed decisions and continually enhance your security strategy.

Global Threat Intel

Access a vast network of threat data, updated in real-time, to defend against emerging global threats.


Advanced Threat Detection

Our IP Intelligence system analyses the geographical origin, reputation, and behavior of incoming IPs to swiftly identify threats and secure your network. By understanding the context of each IP interaction, we create a robust first line of defense against potential threats.

IP Reputation Dashboard
Access Control Dashboard

Enhanced Access Control

Control data access by setting rules based on IP attributes. Our IP Threat Intelligence allows you to enforce custom access policies tailored to your business needs. We categorise threats into 22 different categories, which you can use to block outright or combine with other request attributes to block or provide extra information to the origin.

Analytics and Insight

Receive detailed analytics on the traffic entering your network. Understand user behavior and detect anomalies with IP Intelligence, facilitating informed decision-making and continuous improvement of your security posture.

Firewall Analytics Dashboard

IP Intelligence by the Numbers


IPs Tracked


Threat Categories


Data Updates

Comprehensive IP Threat Management

Stop Junk Traffic

Filter out spam and unwanted bot traffic, reducing server load and improving performance for real users.

Block Known Threat Actors

Automatically identify and block IPs associated with VPNs, TOR, datacenters, and hosting providers known for malicious activities.

Mitigate Advanced Threats

Protect against malware, brute-force attempts, web attacks, and IPs with poor reputation scores.

Enhance Your Network Security Today

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